< Buffalo Plaid Perfection >

OTTEstyle-- Buffalo Plaid Pom Blouse
OTTEstyle-- Buffalo Plaid Pom Blouse
OTTEstyle-- Buffalo Plaid Pom Blouse
OTTEstyle-- Buffalo Plaid Pom Blouse
OTTEstyle-- Buffalo Plaid Pom Blouse
OTTEstyle-- Buffalo Plaid Pom Blouse

Crushing hard on all things plaid this season– buffalo plaid to be exact. Y’all know by now that I am not one to pile on the patterns, the more basic the better for me! But, when fall/winter rolls around something goes on inside of me and I can’t resist the plaid. I think this pattern in particular is so appealing to me because its not overwhelming… it’s just the right amount of fall perfection! I have even found myself purchasing buffalo plaid christmas decor for my house! When something feels right, it just feels right… don’t judge me. What are some of y’alls favorites for fall?

OTTEstyle Beauty Routine For Post: